In this post we will list different websites where we can download free blocks for AutoCAD.

It is advisable to have our own block library to be able to work quickly and safely. The elaboration of our own blocks is not always effective, since this would take us a lot of time and we could not devote ourselves to other more important things in the development of the design of our plan. In most cases this work could be saved by having a selection of standard blocks to turn to and even be able to use them in future projects.

On the Internet there are many websites that offer the download of blocks, and like everything else, the more elaborate and quality a block is, the higher its price, since the author will want compensation for the work done and with all the reason Everyone likes to get paid for their work, right? But there are also many blocks that are offered for free, many manufacturers usually provide blocks of their products to include in our designs, they are generally blocks of good quality and very detailed, there are also websites that offer the download of some of their blocks for free, they are usually blocks that are not reviewed or their author offers it free or they simply do not have enough quality to be sold. In these cases, we can find many surprises, these could be some:

  • Layers of irrelevant information that overload the drawing such as shading, dashed lines, axes, etc.
  • Incorrect measures or that are not to scale, or that we simply do not know what measures were used.
  • Drawing of poor quality, with polylines that do not close or lines that overflow, lines that do not arrive or representations so basic that they do not resemble reality.
  • Wrong or inconsistent line thicknesses or colours.
  • Misuse of the layers, lack of layers, or that these are in a code that only the author knows or that are in a language that we do not know.

Well, sure they are more, but these are some that I have ever encountered. But this does not mean that they are bad blocks, since we have saved money and work and we just have to inspect them and adapt them to our taste and needs, that is, to personalize them to be able to incorporate them into our personal library.

Next, I will indicate some of the websites where we can download free blocks


Language: Spanish, English and Portuguese

This website offers a selection of pay and free blocks, requires registration to download them. It is the largest database of AutoCAD blocks available in DWG, 3DS MAX, RVT, SKP and more. If you contribute your own projects, prior approval you can access the Premium Library for free for a certain period depending on the quality and quantity of the contributions.


Language: Spanish

This website offers many AutoCAD files or blocks ready to download for free, no registration required.

Language: Spanish

This website offers a selection of free blocks for personal use, it also offers a pack of all your blocks by pay, you can download blocks without registering.

Language: Spanish

This website offers a selection of free blocks, to download blocks requires registration.

Language: Spanish, English, Italian

This website offers a selection of free blocks, no registration is required to download them.

Language: Spanish

This website offers a selection of free blocks, no registration is required to download them. This website also offers a large hatchs selection to install.

Language: Spanish

This website offers a selection of free blocks, no registration is required to download them.


Language: Spanish, English

This website offers many blocks, requires registration to download them.

The exchange works through a point system, each file is given points value, when registering, the user obtains 300 points to spend, you can download a file as many times as you want without consuming points. When the points are spent or not enough for the download, more points can be obtained by payment or by offering own files that will be valued and scored. There is some file that is offered for 0 points, but they are very few and it is difficult to find them.

It's possible to download formats dwg dxf max 3ds according to availability.


Language: Italian and multiple (Google)

This website offers a selection of free blocks for personal use, it also offers a pack of all your blocks by pay, you can download blocks without registering.

Language: English

This website offers a selection of blocks. The files are grouped into thematic and sub-thematic collections and are purged (only layer 0). Download CAD Blocks is free and requires no registration.

11.-First in architecture

Language: English

This website offers a selection of pay and free blocks, you can download blocks without registering, you can download them in metric or imperial units.


Language: English

This website offers a selection of pay and free blocks, you can download blocks without registering. You can upload free CAD models to help the CAD community or sell your CAD models to earn money. Some models offer download in different files.

Language: English

This website offers a selection of free blocks, no registration is required to download them.


Language: English

This website offers a selection of free blocks, no registration is required to download them.

15.-Cad Blocks

Language: English

This website offers a selection of pay and free blocks, you can download blocks without registering.

Language: English

This website offers a selection of free blocks, you can download blocks without registering. These blocks are saved in an AutoCAD 2000 format. Most of the blocks are in layer 0, byblock or bylayer and are inserted at 0.0.0. A PURGE and AUDIT was executed in each block.


Language: English

This website offers a selection of free blocks, you can download blocks without registering. You can download AutoCAD LISP routines, AutoCAD blocks, AutoCAD details, text styles or AutoCAD hatch patterns.


Language: English

This website offers a wide variety of free blocks, most of them provided by the manufacturers themselves, requires registration to download them and offers different download files depending on availability.

19.-FastTrack CAD

Language: English

This website offers many blocks offered directly by the manufacturer, requires registration to download them and offers different types of files depending on availability.

20.-Acad Blocks

Language: English

This website offers a selection of free blocks (today there are only 2 of the payment blocks, the rest are free), no registration is required to download them.


Language: English, Czech, German

Free CAD and BIM block library: content for AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Revit, Inventor, Fusion 360 and other Autodesk 2D and 3D CAD applications. CAD blocks and files can be downloaded in DWG, RFA, IPT, F3D formats. You can exchange useful blocks and symbols with other CAD and BIM users. No registration is required to download many blocks, although some do require registration.

Language: English

This website offers a selection of pay and free blocks, does not require registration to download them, but you must wait a minute and then like it on the Facebook account or follow them with Twitter.

23.-Plan n Design

Language: English

This website offers a selection of pay and free blocks, requires registration to download them, there is no clear way to see which blocks are free and which are not, you have to try and see what type it is. You can offer your own blocks and specify if they are free or paid.

24.-Architecture for design

Language: English

This website offers a large number most of them are pay blocks, but now it has two free files available that are a very complete set of blocks, which is why I have included this website in this selection of websites that offers Free blocks, you have to look for them because they are not easily visible, but if we access the AutoCAD 2D symbols section, at the end of all we can see these files that are at cost 0. For the download you must add it to the cart and register with your email.

25.-BIM Object

Language: Multiple

This website offers many 3d blocks offered directly by the manufacturer, requires registration to download them and although it is a platform focused on bim objects, most can be downloaded in DWG format and other files.


Language: English

This website offers many 3d blocks offered directly by the manufacturer, requires registration to download them and although it is a platform focused on bim objects, most can be downloaded in DWG format and other files.


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